Tuesday, April 28

Counting Clouds.

You know for a while now I've been sitting on Cloud 8. Not quite reaching that legendary place of pure elation. But today, ladies and gentlemen, Cloud 9-109 became glittering specks in my past. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I ceased counting clouds. I reached the stars.

So yell, scream, harass, I don't care. Bring forth your trials and tribulations, spew your bile and greed. Now, ladies and gentlemen, now I know what its like to live without them.


Sunday, April 19


As Sinners , we need God. But as Christians, we should want God just as much as we need him. Just as us humans want to be wanted, God also wants to be wanted. Once we accept Christ into our lives we should endeavor to grow ever closer to him, because he is infinite and everlasting. He will never expire, run out, or get tired of us. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Getting closer to God includes more than just going to church, singing Hymns, and staying awake during service. In involves reading your Bible, praying, and maybe even fasting.

So if you're worried that God isn't speaking to you, maybe you should speak to him first, or else be quiet and listen. Because he wants to know you, and you need to know him.

Sunday, April 12


I found that sometimes when a person prays and tries to get through to God for somebody else, God in turn gets through to THEM.
Faith can move mountains, and hearts.

"It Is Well."

"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll,
whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
it is well, it is well with my soul."

True peace is a destination in which many travel toward, but RARELY reach. you see, in STRIVING for peace, you turn away from it. All the time I hear the words, "If I only had______, my life would be so much better." Or, "If those people would do what they aught to, I could get on with MY life." You see we work, and work, and work so excruciatingly hard that peace really becomes quite impossible. Its not until you learn to accept what is happening and let God control your life that you will have peace. Now lets be honest here, you cant just sit around and do nothing! But you surely cant do everything either. So lets give God some room to work.

Now, I must say, nothing is more ridiculous than when people put THEIR state of being into other peoples hands. Because trust me honey, they will stomp all over YOUR peace just to achieve their own. When you let a man or a woman be your "source of optimism" you may as well just hand them the knife to stab you in the back. Only God can grant us peace in life.

Romans 5:1-5 says, "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowung that tribulation produces perserverance; and perserverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not dissapoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy spirit who was given to us."

So even though today may be the worst day of your life, rejoice, because through that you shall grow.

"And the stone was rolled away."

Hallelujah! My God is the Living God.

Tuesday, April 7

May You Always See Hawks.

I am sitting here looking at the sky and there is a hawk flying around outside. I am encouraged because to me, that is a sign from God that He is watching. Sometimes we lose sight of His sight, so lets just try to remember from now on. And if you ever forget, may you ALWAYS see hawks!

Monday, April 6

It Takes A Stranger.

Sometimes someone you love can tell you something over, and over, and over again and you never really hear them. But you let a Stranger tell it to you, and you repeat it in your head for hours. Yesterday it took a Stranger to show me my first real glimpse of the end. They made me really appreciate what got me here. The beginning was easy to see long ago, but its like I just skipped on over the ending part. Unfortunately, they dont mix. Its lonely and exciting.


At about 9:30pm go to your car, get in and drive (no music) down a long country road. Roll the windows down and experience the sights, the sounds, the smells, the speed. And then think about your life.
Then you will feel how I feel. Its freedom, its a calling, its an unseen force pushing you in the right direction. It is peace, turmoil, love, fear, and adrenaline all wrapped up in one hour of your life.

Wednesday, April 1

The Happy Epitaph.

Here lie the remains of what used to be great.
In a time full of life and energy,
There walked a Man and Son
side by side.
But alas the Man left the Son,
Alone to face the world.
And the Son had to find a new Man,
A Teacher.
And that the Son did.
He found many Teachers.
And became, himself, a Man.
So that when the Man came back,
He found his old Son dead.
And he tried to revive him,
And could not.
But fret not dear ones,
For that Son is not dead.
He is just a different Son.
Someone else's Son.
He is a Man.