What is the best thing to do when that which you love the most is that which causes you the most pain? You put so much faith and trust in it, yet it never lives up to your expectations. So what to do? Does one simply cut it away, relieving one of the suffering, yet leaving a rather enormous hole in its place? Or should it be left to fester, and disappoint, until your very soul is ragged from the struggle? There is absolutely no easy answer. It seems that God is taking his time with this one. Prayers go up in earnest, and I wait. Perhaps I should keep waiting until I see my burning bush, or pillar of fire. Oh, but how much more can I take? As a colossal sigh escapes my lips I realize how miserable it is to cling to things that were once beautiful, and then became a source of darkness. But a faint glimmer of hope still burns that maybe, just maybe, like Lazarus this thing can be made whole again. Maybe before healing can begin, I must, like Mary and Martha, accept the death.
I guess Ill go find a tomb and some linen.