Monday, March 2

Living Loved

I have noticed throughout my life that people have a really hard time being loved!! Isn't that just stupid!? People seem to think that they are such filthy, rotten, dirtesque creatures, that to love them is simply impractical.* I firmly disagree, in the wonderful (and extremely over-recited) bible passage, John 3:16, Jesus says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Aren't WE apart of the WORLD too?? So then why do people have such trouble with this idea of LOVE EVERLASTING?

I know EXACTLY why. People can't get the image of an elderly, angry, so-holy-you-can't-even-look-at-me, judge/God out of there minds. But the reality of God is SO much deeper, and more loving than that. To me, God has always been like a Dad. I haven't really had much of a relationship with my father until just recently so God filled that place for me. Ill unpack that for you. A father is someone who guides you, laughs with you, goes on walks with you, listens to you and talks to you. Isn't that what God is? Jesus reffered to God as Abba. Thats like saying Daddy, and in The Lords Prayer Jesus opens with "Our Father..." sooooooo we can call him father too yes? Absolutely!!

God wants a relationship with us, one full of love, and awe at his love. People just get too caught up in the negativo to see the good stuff right in front of them.

Think on that for a while. Its late, I'll continue later.

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